Introducing New Ticketing System

By: Pinnacle Employee Services LinkedIn LinkedIn Profile

The ticketing system will go live on Wednesday, February 23rd.

The new system will allow us to manage incoming requests more effectively and will not impact our normal service. Please continue to email the appropriate distribution emails (listed below) based on your request type.

Human Resources:

  • Benefits Requests
  • Human Resources related support questions


  • New Hires and Terminations
  • Status Changes
  • Payroll Submissions


  • Workers Comp Invoices

Once you send your email, you will receive an automated response confirming that your ticket has been opened and you will be provided with a ticket number to reference if needed. You will also receive an automated response letting you know once your request has been completed.

Avoid Notification Errors

Automated emails from us will come from “”. To avoid delays or missing a response to your need, please make sure your email filter (spam filter) does not block this email by adding it to your safe sender list. This includes any email from “”, so please add the domain (and sub-domain) by adding “*” to your safe sender list (whitelist). If you work with an I.T. support group they should be very familiar with this process.

Thank you for being a loyal client of Pinnacle Employee Services. We look forward to continuing to enhance how we service our clients. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.