** W-2 forms are now available on the employee portal. Paper W-2 forms should be received by January 31st via U.S. mail. **

September Newsletter

Sexual Harassment Training

Have your employees completed their annual required sexual harassment training? If not, please contact your HR Business Partner to schedule it or email hr@pinnaclepays.com.


We’d Love Your Feedback!

Our client’s satisfaction is extremely important to us. We value your opinion and invite you to complete the following survey so we can make improvements and adjustments to better serve you.

Please note that survey responses are anonymous. You may provide identifying information if you choose to do so but it is not required to complete the survey.

Click Here to Take the Survey


What can HR do about ‘quiet quitting’?

Quiet quitting refers to an undetermined number of employees who are dialing back their work efforts—primarily trying to align the bare minimum of effort with their compensation. In short, quiet quitters are the last employee group you will find going “above and beyond” their job descriptions. According to the ResumeBuilder survey, about 90% of “quiet quitters” said they could be incentivized to work harder. So, what can HR do to get them back in the game?

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