** W-2 forms are now available on the employee portal. Paper W-2 forms should be received by January 31st via U.S. mail. **

Looking For Work?

The workplace is changing and so are we! Welcome to Pinnacle Talent Solutions, where we take the pain out of Job Hunting. We’re here to help you find a position that is the perfect fit for you. Our mission is to simplify the job hunting process, so you can be in a position that helps you grow and thrive!

For Candidates Searching for New Opportunities

Searching for a suitable job can be a daunting task. While recruiters often get a bad rap, they can be great partners providing you the support and feedback needed to land your next job. At Pinnacle Talent Solutions, we act as your trusted advisor throughout the hiring process. From resume-building to interview prep, we will ensure you’re set up for success in your search for a new career.

Benefits of Using a Recruiter

  • Improved visibility on job searches
  • We have access to job opportunities you don’t know about
  • We understand both the hiring company and your career goals
Click to View Our Current Job Openings

How We Help

Check out our blog for hiring and interviewing tips and tricks here!

charlotte dieroff, director of recruiting, pinnacle talent solutions

Charlotte Dieroff, Director of Recruitment
315-295-3831 | Charlotte@PinnaclePays.com | Bio

Like what you Hear? Get In touch today!

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Future Opportunities

Don’t see any current job openings that fit your skills and experience? Send us your information and resume and we’ll keep it on file for future opportunities!